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The World Peace Organization for the One World Government
Principles of the Projects

California Community Property Law Crisis

If it was a nation, California would have the fourth largest economy, but its Community Property Law has created a drain, leading to stagnation of the economy and financial collapse for many people.

When a California couple divorces, their property is divided equally. When wealthy businessmen or businesswomen divorce, oftentimes their business must be sold. The people are cash-rich and business idea poor. Foreign investors have purchased many of these businesses, and the business have gone overseas. This law has created a major drain on the California and U.S. economies.

We would like to stop this drain by introducing legislation to the California legislature, which will come soon.

We believe marriages based on romantic attachments eventually lead to not only divorces, but basically become genocides. Women who rely on their appearance for their financial support, when faced with the aging process, feel threatened by loss of support, and their fears may tear the marriage apart. To resolve this crisis, we have our Getting Out of the Abyss classes through On The Rainbow Peace Store that enables women to become entrepreneurs. This allows the family roles to return to the traditional roles of the past prosperous families.

The creation of the international government allows every nation and every individual to find a niche based on talents and gifts — natural resources. The framework of the international government enables a balance of trade to be created through its economic departments. All nations will be able to create a stable economy, where its natural resources can benefit the people rather than to be a curse.

As for innovative business ideas, our organization is working to fifty revolutionary technological and social plans. Ideas will keep spinning off, also. We will turn over responsibility for the projects to our independent members —advisors — who will work with "lifepartners," people who have the same goals. They will sponsor the projects. Our advisors will then go into the nations that contract with us, and we will help to establish the projects. Please read our Intellectual Property Agreement to understand how the proceeds from the contracts will benefit the people of that nation. Many other benefits will be accorded to the nations and the peoples, also.

Iraq Exit Strategy CA Community Property Law Lift the Public
©Copyright 2009, Karen Holmes
Last revised: October 24, 2009