The Pancreatic Cancer Project

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The Pancreatic Cancer Project

We are introducing a "cure" for pancreatic cancer offered to us through channeled information from the spiritual hierarchy— from God, the Creator of us all. It is based on the idea of "what you believe is what is." Because it is not something that can be proven scientifically, we are asking for case histories of pancreatic cancer patients to prove our theory. Once we have enough case histories, we will turn our data over to doctors.

This site offers insights, channeled messages from the spiritual hierarchy and from people who crossed over from this end-of-life crisis who are returning to share their story. This site will offer the stages and stages of the planning process that carry this project to frutition. It offers the stories of pancreatic cancer patients to demonstrate the "common denominator" that proves pancreatic cancer comes from belief structures and not a virus or environmental issue, and hopefully, updated stories from people who overcame this crisis. Your participation in this project will enable people from all over the world to overcome this crisis.

We are offering insights into the root cause of pancreatic cancer...

"Cancer is an issue that is out of control;
heal the issue and heal the cancer."

Actually, pancreatic cancer is three issues that are out of control. They log-jam, and if you resolve one of the issues, you no longer have pancreatic cancer.

  • An issue related to compassion.
  • An issue related to capacity.
  • Something — an event — comes along that makes you believe you can't get your life.

Once you understand the root cause of a crisis, it is possible to resolve it through the Planning Process. Once you break loose the log jam, you still must address the individual issues, but that is much easier to do than to face a life-threatening disease.

Doctors don't know how to cure pancreatic cancer, and are looking for a cure in the laboratory, but our theory states if pancreatic cancer is caused by three log-jammed ideas, it won't be found in the lab, and surgical procedures won't cure it. We are not saying to let go of your doctor. If you have a doctor who is treating you, keep him or her informed, and be aware that surgical intervention may give patients time to address issues to affect complete healing.

The third belief structure is the belief that you cannot get the life you want. People die when they believe they can't get the life they want, so that must also be addressed, also. Our organization also offers information on how to create the life you want, and to overcome the end-of-life crisis.

If you are willing to share your story, please contact us through our contact page.

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©Copyright 2009, Karen Holmes
Last revised: August 13, 2013