The World Peace Organization for the One World Government
The Reunification of North and South Korea
I would like to commence with our final proposal of our plan for world peace this year. This proposal, as it is being written, is one of many
proposals that are being introduced, one part of a plan that has been introduced to 35 nations already, and these are the 36th and 37th countries.
This organization is aware that for peace to come, every individual and every country must be able to be autonomous and to be allowed and able to
create the life that he or she desires, or that nation desires. Each culture has a right to be respected, and no one individual or no one nation has
the right or the capacity in this international government that is being proposed, to dictate terms to another country.
Oftentimes it takes an event in history — an historical parameter, so to speak — to set the stage for change. No one really feels
comfortable with change. It is a process that, like birth, can have many positive results but the process itself is oftentimes stressful or
painful. Change is inevitable though, and once you begin to comprehend that there are ways to bring about change, then change becomes less
stressful and more of a positive effect.
This proposal that is being submitted to your governments — the government of South Korea and, you could say, its “alter-ego” of North
Korea — because the reunification process has not yet occurred between these two countries, the positive and the negative forces, you
could say, are being established here. But all things are not exactly as they appear. You will discover that as we introduce certain
concepts that there isn’t that much of a difference between the two countries.
I am reminded of the story of Remus and Romulus. These two boys were brought up by wolves — this is a story of Greek mythology —
and they were let to run wild because of certain circumstances. But after a period of time, it became evident that change was inevitable and
that there would have to be some sort of reintegration into the culture that they came from. You could say that as gods they had the capacity to
create any life they chose, but at the same time a culture places certain demands or requirements on an individual. A culture cannot exist
without the individuals, and the individuals cannot exist without the culture, and cannot grow and thrive. In this case, everyone benefits from
the reintegration.
North Korea and Pyongyang at this time are feeling like they are being threatened by the rest of the world and the requirements, but like
Remus and Romulus, who have been allowed to be separate and alone for a long period of time, and going its “own wild way,” just like the boys,
Remus and Romulus, were reintegrated, and so will North Korea be reintegrated as soon as North Korea is allowed to understand how the
reintegration process will come about.
The reason for this proposal is to establish a protocol for bringing in “rogue nations,” and this is an appellation that George Bush placed
on certain governments that, you could say, do not agree with his concept of society or civility. You could say that a rogue nation, or in
this case drawing the parallels, Remus and Romulus as they lived wild and free, they did very well. They were able to survive and thrive,
even, in their wild ways. But as they were in the wild and then reintroduced back into the civilization of the gods and the humans, they had
to give up parts of their lives that survival depended upon. So, for the first parts of their lives, as they ran wild and free, they developed
certain tools or skills that were necessary to survive, and so the same applies for North Korea. As North Korea and Pyongyang ran free for a
while, it developed survival skills, and now these necessary changes that are coming about in order for it to protect itself, it must make
itself vulnerable. The skills that it learned and depended on for survival now become the qualities or the aspects that must be let go of,
and this makes an individual feel very vulnerable.
Who do you trust? There is a sense of trust here that must be created, and when a victim of circumstances or change — an individual or
a country that is feeling very vulnerable — the issue of who do you trust and who is your enemy comes up. So what we are going to do — and the
recommendation that we are going to make first — is for a sense of reunification to come about with South Korea in order to allow North
Korea to trust someone. Who else is better qualified than someone that is the alter-ego aspect that shares a common history and a common
culture and a common language, but was not necessarily a child who ran free — the twin that stayed home and lived with the parents?
As this reunification process goes forward, the sense of trust will begin to be established, because you could say that it is in the best
interest of both sides to learn to live with each other.
In the future, in this era of the international government, the international structure will require that each of the nations that have been
split to be reunified into a common structure, and then the cultures will be divided. The lines drawn by warfare are not a good sense of
Look for example at Iraq, and how the lines drawn during the British control of that country separated the Kurds and Sunnis and Shi’as, and now
warfare is threatening to turn into civil war as these cultures have not learned to get along with each other. So you see, in the future, during
this era of the international government, for peace to come the lines separating countries will many times be redrawn on a cultural basis, but
is in the interest of all not to break up into very, very small divisions because the power that a country has is dependent on population.
it to an extreme, where every individual person is autonomous, you can see that no one would be able to have more power than another.
Let me clarify this for a moment. In terms of leadership or in terms of control, no one individual or no one culture or no one country will have
greater power or control than another. But yet the lines drawn around cultures, as in a parallel situation to the present Congress of the
United States that is based on population, those nations with more population and a stable population will have greater power and control. You
can see that it is in the best interest of Korea to tear down these fences that separate them to gain more power and control on an international
If you — North and South Korea — both believe that it is in your best interest to be separate, it is your choice to do so and to
maintain your
autonomy. But in the era of this international government, if your cultures are very similar, and if you choose to participate in this
government, each individual will be given the right to go to the country where he feels that he is being treated with the greatest amount of
and granted these rights. One of the rights will be to leave a country where he feels he is being oppressed. North Korea and the government of
Jong-Il, in this international era of peace, what would occur is that he will continue to lose power as his people leave his country. It is
not necessary for him to participate, but to maintain a sense of economic balance between the countries, and to be able to gain the benefits
of this international government that is being proposed and created at this time, the power of an individual or a country will depend on how
well he
treats his people, instead of a military basis, the power will be on an economic basis, and how well a country is able to support its people
so that
the people can support the economy.
This organization — The World Peace Organization for the One World Government — will be at the service of governments, and it is
already, in
order to help establish this structure of government within individual countries. We go in as advisors — our organization does —
to establish an economic presence.
At this moment of time, the country of North Korea and Kim Jong-Il are “strutting” his capacity, and showing his capacity, of his nuclear
weapons in
order to maintain his presence and his status and his control and separation from this, just as Remus and Romulus would growl and snarl, you
could say,
to keep the enemy away until they could figure out who the enemy really was. As this transition comes about of the era of peace in this
government, military defense will not be necessary because all nations will be considered equal and a series of courts will handle disputes,
and the
governments of the world, and the countries of the world, will be slowly transitioning out of the idea of a military defense or an offensive
As this government comes about, it will come slowly, and nothing will be done in a hurry.
We ask that the two governments of North Korea — Kim Jong-Il — and South Korea — President Roh or his successor, since there
has been a change of power recently — Prime Minister Goh Kun — what we suggest you do to begin to appreciate the benefits of this
and to start working towards these
benefits of this international government, we suggest that you consider looking into this concept of reunification. We suggest that you start
discussions on this and start to understand that while your cultures have separated for a time, you could say that you are all one family, and
reunited will allow you to have more power and control in the future, and yet at the same time, this structure of international government
will allow
you to also maintain your power that you have accumulated by being separate and unique.
Allow me for a moment to explain how this can come about. The way this will function is that as the era of the international government comes
we propose that each region or each culture draw representatives together, and these individuals will meet to discuss, to work through the idea
how this government will come about. On a democratic basis — and by democratic I mean free and equal to make choices, where
everyone is treated
fairly and equally — this structure will come about. In our proposal, for example, to the Democratic Republic of Congo, they are divided
by many
rebel factions, and it is a very large country and each region has a very unique province and different cultures and many different languages,
What we recommended to them to reunify these different factions, that each of the factions send a representative and treat each as a separate
and unique state. For example, Switzerland is made up of its cantons. The United States is made up separate but equal
states. It is one country but it is made up of separate but equal states. It is possible for Korea, which has such a similar language and
history, for this to come about, but because of the war that occurred in the 1950s, it was divided, and now many people would like to see
and to be able to reunify this and to be reunited with their long, lost families.
So you see, by creating separate states within one country, you have the capacity to be self-governing within each of the states, and maybe
country may even break up into smaller states yet and have five or six states, but yet as a nation you will maintain more power and
control in this international government because you will have a greater population. The United States, for example, will send a certain number
of representatives based on population.
So the issues related to the will of the people are based on population. For the legislation based on the rights of the people, every country
be treated exactly the same and have the same number of representatives, because it is one culture that is being respected. Your culture, by
reunification of these two sides, will allow you to have greater representation in legislation based on the will of the people — related
to taxation or whether something should be done or not, and whether it is a good idea for something to come about. The legislation related
to the rights of the people will be based on one culture-one vote.
So you see, you will receive these benefits in this era of peace in this international government by reunification, and yet you do not have
to give
up anything. By reuniting, you will be a stronger military force, you could say, because at the same time you will draw together this concept
of a peaceful solution to this problem.
For a moment I would like to address one other issue that is similar to this. I would like to explain it is not my area of expertise at the
time to draw an entire solution to this problem, but if you look, for example, at the issue of Israel and the Palestinian problem, you can see
this is actually a quite similar situation. These two factions or cultures, by drawing together — by the Israeli government drawing the
Palestinians in as a common culture, not a religion because the Muslim and the Hebrew religions are different, but yet they share a common
holy city — by allowing each
of these cultures to come together to find a common ground that they share, then the fighting can stop and they all can live in peace.
For example, the Israelis are in a very unprotected location because they are completely surrounded by Muslim nations. While they are
attempting to
maintain their presence in the world, by allowing the Palestinians to integrate and to share this property in Israel, by living side by side
in peace and finding this common ground, they can protect themselves from the other Arab countries, because another Arab country, should it
choose to attack, is will hold back its attack in fear that it will antagonize their Arab brothers who live in peace. It’s in everyone’s best
And yet, in this international government, they, too, by uniting under this common goal, will share a greater power in this
era of the international government. I see that it is in the best interest of people to understand, and the different countries, such as
North and
South Korea, which are separate and unique at the present time, but may choose to unite under this banner of a common country, and also the
idea of
the Israeli-Palestinians uniting in order to share a common holy city, Jerusalem, and also to unite to have a greater control in power in
this era of peace in this international government.
Our organization will be at your disposal to assist you in making these changes, by offering you incentives and to explain to you how to
create this process in your own country.
In order to begin this dialogue between the two sides, we recommend it be without the auspices of any other nation, including the United
States or the United Nations. It is in the best interest of the people to bring peace, because it is the people who pay the price. It is
the people of North
and South Korea who will pay the price of this, and who desire peace. The governments of the world are attempting to create an international
but the peoples of the world would mostly just like to live in peace. A majority of the population has prayed for peace, to whichever God or
or Supreme Being or Entity that they pray to, and now it is time for peace to come. But for peace to come, every individual on the planet and
country must be treated fairly and equally, must be allowed to create the life they choose, and to be allowed to express their culture anyway
they choose, and must be able to have a voice in government. The international government that we propose allows this to come about. It is the
who are encouraging the governments of the world to lay down their games of one-upmanship, to lay down the arms, and to create this era of peace.
©Copyrights 2006, The world Peace Organization for the One World Government