The World Peace Organization for the One World Government

The Reunification of Cyprus

Each person on the planet must be able to create the life he or she chooses. This proposal introduces a way to mediate between various factions within a country, and to bring about complete change so that every individual can do so.

Our organization has submitted to twenty-nine countries a plan for world peace, and Cyprus is the thirtieth country that will be exposed to this plan. But not all of these countries are in a position to be open to change at this time the way Cyprus is. You could say that conditions must be opportune and a cycle must be completed, and by this I mean that change only occurs easily at the beginning or the end of a cycle.

If you were to consider a building, for example — you would not tear the building down unless the building was condemned. The lifecycle of a building is from the planning stages until the building is condemned. So it doesn't make sense to create something and then to change it immediately, or to do away with it unless several things were insufficient with it.

The point in the lifecycle of Cyprus, for example, is it is now where the populations have realized that the present circumstances no longer suit them and they are willing to make some sort of change. The thirty-some years of separation of the two sides of the island have prepared them now to realize change, and as the European Union comes in, to understand that change is necessary. There was a growing sentiment that change was inevitable, but it wasn't until this opportunity arose to enter into the European Union that the question arose. "Is it time for a change, and is this the correct one? Which will benefit all people so that all people agree to it?"

Cyprus is a beautiful island, and it has a strategic central location within the Mediterranean. But at the same time, the dissention has prevented easy travel from one side to the other.

For a moment, I would like to digress and say the two factions that have separated the island come from very different and unique cultures. You could say that, like cream separating and rising from milk, in a way, they are all Cypriots but they have very unique qualities. One has a great desire to live life to the fullest, like cream, and the other is a solid, hard-working culture that is less likely to be interested in living life to the fullest. Although both cultures in the past have had very similar backgrounds, each culture has a very unique style to it.

As the similarities come together between these two cultures, you are also separating out the idea of the differences. As you draw together to look at what is similar, you are delineating what makes it different. Say, for example, you are separating out the wheat from the chaff or the cream from the milk, again, you are saying that this is all wheat, or this is all milk, but at the same time the difference between the cream and the milk, or the chaff and the wheat, are very unique and separate, so it is no longer wheat; it is the grain and the chaff, or it is no longer milk, it is the buttermilk and the cream.

So as you are discussing what makes it similar, you are separating out what makes it different. This is what occurred on this island. They are Cypriots, but they are also Greek or Turkish Cypriots, and as they have become less and less Cypriots, it has brought out the idea they are more Greek or more Turkish. To bring peace to the country, there must be a sense of unity, and separation where you turn this concept around and allow the similarities to become more functional.

I would like to continue with some reasons for establishing this change. The European Union has allowed this country — and has given incentives — in order to bring this about, and you could say that it is in their best interest for them to do so, but is it in the best interest for them to join the European Union for the countries of Greece and Turkey and for the "fatherlands" to be involved?

In the Democratic Republic of Congo, to segue for a moment, our organization has introduced a plan for a new government in that country. Their country also is at a point where changes are inevitable and the people are deciding which changes will benefit them. But Belgium in the past was instrumental in creating this country, but do they play a part now in helping to create this government? Is this an idea that must be left behind? Are they going to play a part in choosing what is coming about?

For example, if your child grows to a certain age, and in some cultures this is different...

In the United States, when a child grows to a certain age, say fifty years old and the parents are seventy-five, a child is assumed to be old enough to choose a marriage partner without much input by the parents. If a child is fourteen years old, and it is an arranged marriage on a cultural basis, the parents are mostly choosing.

But we are going to look at the Democratic Republic of Congo. They have been a separate and unique country for over forty years now, and they have a culture that is unique from Belgium and they are maturing and turning into an "adult" that is capable of making its own decisions. As the lifecycle grows...

At some point in time independence might be granted by Belgium and a period of time to evolve — as in Iraq, with the downfall of Saddam Hussein's regime and creating a government — the country is evolving. So as a country evolves, it is more likely that the sense of unity comes when you can agree on the "personality" of this nation as it evolves away from the parents, and this "child" grows up to the point where it can choose for itself. So the uniqueness of this country, just as the uniqueness of a child, is when it matures and it discovers who it really is. Maturity can come at many different times, as for Cyprus and the Democratic Republic of Congo — and you could say that there still is the question of whether Iraq is ready to be self-governing at this point. This applies when I referred to the cycles perviously — this is what I was referring to — the maturation process. Is this child-nation ready and willing and able to create its own unique personality?

Cyprus has been a populated island for millennia, but a country that has become a "melting pot" of different nations, such as Cyprus, where it is in this strategic location, many cultures will combine. In the United States, this same concept occurred, and after two hundred years, this country understood that it was ready to mature, and this occurred at the time of its independence from England. But then it took a period of time for the power and the personality — the maturation of the United States — to come about. This is what we are looking at: What stage is Cyprus in right now? Is it a fledgling nation that is mostly controlled by parent-nations somewhere else, like an infant? Has it reached the "teenage years," where it is starting to rebel a little and to "test the waters" for its own personality, but yet peer pressure is a very elemental part of the change? Or has it reached the point where now the blending of all these cultures has turned it into a unique culture? And this is what will decide what the country is capable of doing.

An infant country depends a great deal for its leadership from its parents. It depends for its growth and leadership and outside support from its parent nation. A toddler country depends less and less on its parent, but it is starting to explore the world to see what is likes and what it doesn't like. In the teenage part of the cycle it becomes rebellious and it starts to break away from its parent country. So where is Cyprus now?.

To come into the European Union, and for a parent country — Turkey — to enter into this agreement, there had to be some sort of an agreement to deal with the problem of Cyprus. How will this create stability within Turkey and Greece when there is the issue that separates these two countries? How would they function as equal entities in the European Union, or would they bring discord into it and bring the argument to a higher level? There had to be this discussion, but to force the issue of bringing Cyprus in, while it may benefit Turkey to enter into the European Union, will it benefit Cyprus to be brought in?

Say, for example, you have a group of men in a government — and you could say the European Union is a government — and then to bring in a teenager or a toddler and give them an equal part, will there going to be discord? Are these all mature individuals, who can resolve an issue on an adult level, or are you introducing premature chaos into the system by bringing in a rebellious teenager? For the European Union to function, there has to be some sort of common ground where all the players can agree, and for a rebellious government who hasn't discovered who it is yet, they would introduce chaos into this European Union government. This is a vital issue to look at.

At the same time, one option you have is to allow Turkey to separate itself from Cyprus and Greece to separate itself from Cyprus, and to allow them to go on their own for a period of time to give them the opportunity to develop — like a college student. They are given an opportunity to test the waters for a while to see if they are mature enough to try out their own personality, and to see what they agree to and to try out various options to see if they are ready to work together. Like a young couple goes through its marriage "give and take" idea, you could say Cyprus is ready for this to come about.

Another option might be for one side to go into the European Union and the other side might not. For example, the division between the Dominican Republic and Haiti right now. Haiti is full of unrest and the Dominican Republic has more of a sense of stability.

So here is an island that is divided into two parts, and maybe it would be in everyone's best interest for the Greek side to maintain its autonomy and the Turkish side to be separate and to attempt to find its own personality.

So what I recommend that you do is to start understanding that there are many options available to you.

To end the discord between the two sides, and to allow a sense of community to come from this, I also recommend that instead of looking at the European Union as the only option, to begin to understand that there are other options available.

This organization has enabled through the proposals, the countries of Iraq under the Saddam Hussein regime, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Saudi Arabia, and soon the Philippines, and also the United States with two proposals, we have introduced the idea of this international government that will give every citizen the right to create the life that they would like to live. The autonomous control of every country will remain as it is. But the idea of what constitutes a country itself — a separate, unique mature country — as the cultures mature, will be decided at the point of time when this international structure reaches its maturation, when the idea that the present international structure no longer suits enough countries and they say there must be a better way for this to come about.

The present international structure until this point has been like teenagers. The countries have been rebelling against each other in an attempt to find out who they are. Some of these countries have reached the point of maturity, like parent countries, but at the same time, on an international basis, not all the countries have learned to work together at this point of maturation — of "adulthood." So, we in this organization believe that the time is now ripe for the countries that are mature and have been stable long enough to take warfare off the battlefield and put it into a court system— that those countries that no longer have to resolve issues on the battlefield can resolve them through a court system instead, and this is a higher level of playing. A more mature level of playing, and enough countries now are able to function this way, and so warfare is not necessary anymore. But each of these countries, those where their cycles have reached the point where they are ready to choose for themselves if they are ready to assume their own autonomy and their right to create their own cultures and their own personalities, these countries have been given an opportunity to decide whether they would like to end the cycle of warfare for resolving of issues and to go into this higher level of playing. Cyprus at this time is also ready for this to come about.

Both sides of this country have argued for a long time, and you could say that the Greek side has been autonomous and willing to move forward, where...

For a moment I would like to discuss a very important issue. On an individual basis, I would like to talk about "rifts" and introduce this idea on an international basis of what a rift is. After a war or a massacre or genocide, or even on a battlefield, the area...

If you look at past experiences, you can see that it is easy to delineate where wars have occurred or a major battle has occurred. I would like to draw a parallel with an individual who has gone through a traumatic experience. An individual who has been through a war, or a woman who has been raped, or a child who has become a transient or an internally displaced person, you could say that this individual, or this nation, has suffered from this traumatic experience. Countries that are in a strategic location, such as Iraq, or the Democratic Republic of Congo because of its natural resources, or Cyprus, through the years have been invaded by armies, and rifts have occurred. These countries have a very difficult time overcoming the effects of these past problems because it leaves a sense of helplessness and hopelessness in the population. It is like a hole in a barrel. If you pour water into it, the water just drains out the hole. With a sense of helplessness or hopelessness in the population, no matter how much money you pour into it, the effort will be lost because the people do not have the understanding that they can create the life that they want.

This organization offers its services to heal the rifts. We know how to do it on an energy basis. On a spiritual basis we know how to resolve the problems and to allow the people to again begin to prosper.

Many countries that are located along or within the Mediterranean, like Greece, have a warm and sunny and laid-back personality, and they are not high-tech countries like Germany. Germany, for example, has had many wars and has been in a strategic location but they have a sense of a drive within their own country to excel, and they have been able to become aggressive in order to overcome these problems. They have had spiritual teachers who have come in and led the way to help them overcome this effect. But in the warm and sunny climate of the Mediterranean, you have a more agricultural or pastoral climate. There are high-tech areas, too, but this is just a generalization. These agricultural areas oftentimes are the way they are because in the past they have been sites of wars. There have been great civilizations that have fallen, and they see themselves as having a difficult time gaining world power again. Rome at one time was a very aggressive culture, and there are still ideas behind it, but again, the cycles are coming around again so that the Roman Empire is starting to reach a point of beginnings and ending, and it must choose, is it going to start a new cycle and go through the same maturation again? So you must know where you are in a cycle also.

I bring up this idea of rifts to say that it is extremely difficult to excel or prosper or to find abundance when there has been this sense of helplessness and hopelessness in the population. It is like a downturn, like an individual becoming very, very old, very tired and worn out and ill. Once an individual or a country comes to the understanding that this no longer suits them, they push off from this old idea that change is desirable, then they start this new cycle and they must decide how they will live in this new cycle. Are they going to take the good from the past to create something on a higher level from this? This is what they do, they begin to filter out the ideas that no longer suit them and they start to create something new and better. And this is where Cyprus is at this time. It is beginning to understand that what came from the past no longer suits them but they have to decide where they will go at this time, and are they ready to make these changes.

You have the capacity to create the life that you want, but you have to know where you are, where you are going and what steps to take to get there. How will you get there? You have the capacity. You have the options. You can join the European Union. You can try something new and totally different. Are you a country that is willing to let go of the past to walk into the future or are you rebelling from your parent countries? If you are rebelling from your parent countries, are you willing to come together to find a common ground? You have many options available to you. If you are a teenager, are you going to destabilize the European Union? If you are finding that you are now an adult, are you going to want to let go of the old and come into the new and to develop you own personality? All of these things must be addressed before you can go on. You must know where you are right now in all these issues. Our organization is willing to come in and help you resolve all of these concepts. We are willing to show you how to overcome the problems from the past that have prevented you from moving forward. To help you understand where you are, to help you figure out what you want, to show you how to go through the process of what you want and then explain to you the steps how to do it. We do not tell you what to create, we just show you how to create these steps.

©Copyrights 2006, The World Peace Organization for the One World Government