The World Peace Organization for the One World Government

Peace in Iraq: An Exit Strategy

Please note: This proposal was introduced prior to Saddam Hussein's execution. We have introduced a modified version of this proposal that takes into consideration Saddam Hussein's death.

Our organization would like to submit an exit strategy for the war in Iraq. At the present time troops are dying and entrenched in that country.

For peace to come, all people must have a voice in government, be allowed to create the life they choose without fear of oppression, and must be treated fairly and equally. We, as an organization, believe this exit strategy meets or exceeds these criteria.

For peace to come in Iraq, all individuals must be respected, and the first step is to appreciate the differences between the culture of Iraq and that of the United States. This organization is presenting a plan for world peace, which allows each culture and each country to be autonomus, and to be able to create its own form of government based on its culture. A culture must be ready to accept a form of government, and it goes through the steps of evolution in order to achieve freedom and autonomy. Like a child growing up, as it accepts more responsibility, it also accepts more freedom.

The nation of Iraq has been under the control of Saddam Hussein for many years — decades — and has been oppressed. Saddam Hussein kept control through oppression. But, in order to bring freedom to the Iraqi people, it cannot be done by just thrusting freedom at them and letting them "figure it out for themselves."

The [transitional] government has not evolved in a natural progression from within the culture. It will never be accepted as being totally Iraqi. The personality will always be perceived as though forced on that country by conquest. To achieve a sense of Iraqi autonomy, the perception must be that it comes from Iraq, not the United States forcing the government on them through conquest of war. This will un-empower them and leave them helpless. This organization recommends that a middle ground be established to which all agree.

The U.S. position in Iraq is untenable at present because our presence there — the troops — is perceived as occupation, and it has achieved only more resistance to the troops and the governing body. In order to end this occupation and to maintain our dignity and strength, retreat is not tenable, but what is possible is to announce we will provide advisors to help advise only, and leave troops in only until the advisors can create the government Iraq chooses. But in order that no Iranian influence can take over that country, and to prevent this from occurring to those people who fear Iranian oppression and intolerance, we recommend that you approach Saddam Hussein and to offer to him his position back, but stipulate that he must then turn over control to a democratic government in exchange for his freedom.

Saddam Hussein's intent was to unify against the oppressive actions of the United States government. He has been considered an ally of the United States in the past against Iran's intolerant government. In order to gain his freedom, it would be possible to entice him to cooperate by offering his position back to stabilize the situation, and then offer him the incentive to open Iraq to a democratic (free and equal) form of government.

Saddam Hussein has been presented with a proposal that introduces a plan for peace in Iraq, and should he accept the proposal, he will begin to see the advantages of working with this plan to stabilize the region of the Middle East.

I recommend, therefore, that the proposal of the international government presented to the U.S. government and the proposal our organization presented to Saddam Hussein prior to the war in Iraq be the exit strategy.

To implement these proposals, I recommend that Saddam Hussein be approached, that a form of mediation be created to find a middle ground between these two countries. Then once he has been approached and the two proposals presented to President Bush and Saddam Hussein, then a media campaign be introduced announcing that Saddam Hussein will be given temporary control in Iraq, that the Governing Council will be either withdrawn or be integrated under Saddam Hussein's control, and that the United States will send in advisors to help implement the creation of the government, and when that occurs, the troops will be withdrawn. On that date, the country will be turned over the the people of Iraq to maintain their sovereignty.

In order that Saddam Hussein not stay in power past that point, against the wishes of the people of Iraq, a Leadership Council will be set up to begin the process of setting up the international government proposed by Saddam Hussein and this organization. At the same time, while Iraq is going through the process of creating its autonomy, we will be approaching how this international government will be approached in the United States.

©Copyrights 2003, The World Peace Organization for the One World Government