Democratic Republic of Congo (Stage 2)
Multiply Your Money/ Plan Review Board

The DRCongo is a land with vast amounts of natural resources, but they have not benefited the people. THeir resources have been plundered. What is more, the DRCongo receives foreign aid. Tribes sell their resources to other national to buy arms to use against the people. Warfare is so entrenched in some regions that children as young as seven carry weapons. People live in squalor and fear. Over five million people have died in the genocide.

Everyone has a dream in his or her heart for their perfect life, but conflict is a major obstacle. The World Peace Plan will gradually stop all foreign aid, and turn the governments inside the nation to enable the people to prosper. The old structure was based on power games. The new paradigm is to compete economically, and the third world nations, who have been "on the bottom" for a long time, may have a major advantage.

Stage 1:

Our plan is to make third world nations self-sufficient by basing the power a nation has on its popluation, and for the governments to support entrepreneurship based on talents and gifts. For example, the people can draw in "spiritual-tourism" by re-enacting the Stanley and Livingston era to address and heal the issue of the slave trade.

Stage 2:

Our Plan Review Board will ensure every plan addresses the root cause of the crisis, stands on the principles of our projects, and lists all the stages and steps of the planning process. This ensures the plans are culturally sensitive.

Stage 3:

Everyone has talents and gifts, and past experiences and histories to draw upon. Even the most ignomineous crisis can be addressed and healed.

Stage 4:

We are offering our projects through our advisory catalog, which will be presented to every governments that signs a contract for our services. Our project teams will go to that nation to advise on how to set of the project in that nation so the people benefit from the project.

Stage 5:

Oftentimes, projects that are instituted in other nations but only benefit the few. Advisors are sent in to furter an agenda rather than to solve the crisis. This is conceived as a power game and leads to resistance.

Stage 6:

We recommend that the nations of the world allow the new paradigm based on win-win agreements to be established, and to turn inside the country so the people are allowed to prosper. A global renaissance enables everyone to function on a higher level. There is no need to endure the backlashes.