Iraq Exit Strategy(Stage 6)
The World Conference

Mankind can use traumatic events to teach us what we want to create for our future and what we no longer wish to experience. The Iraq War sets the stage for the creation of the international government that guarantees the right of all people to live their life without interference, to be treated fairly and equally, and to have a voice in their government. These are the three criteria for world peace to come. We must, as a planet, settle for nothing less.

At the world conference, a sovereign Iraq will sit as equals to all other nations. The nations that were involved with this event will advocate this solution during the debates on the creation of the proposed international government.

Stage 1:

The world conference hosted by our organization will last for one month. During that time, we will address topics and offer insights into how to function for the highest good for all people, and then turn the discussion over to the delegates to decide how the information will be applied.

Stage 2:

Organization advisors will carry these proposals forward stage by stage, addressing the issues mankind is facing, and demonstrating the potential of the World Peace Plan to solve the problems. The governments involved with each proposal will advocate the solution at the conference.

Stage 3:

Every nation will be invited to the World Conference, but at the invitation of their people.

Stage 4:

Experts in their fields from every nation will help to set up the Departments. They will assume responsibility at the conference. This will takes politics out of the solution. Shared research will ensure that solutions to the problems will be found.

Stage 5:

The basis for the proposed international government is the U.S. Constitution, but even the United States will be pressed to keep up with the creation of the international government. Our Constitution was created by a small group of visionaries hundreds of years ago. The international government will be created by every person on the planet, and it will function on a far higher level because of that fact. It will come slowly and in perfect order when people are ready for it to come, and not before.

Stage 6:

We recommend the U.S. government allow the Iraq War to set the stage for world peace, the creation of the international government that guarantees to all people the same rights American citizens enjoy under the U.S. Constitution.