

You cannot defend yourself from prejudice or ulterior motives. Once the Grand Lie is told, the truth does not overcome the lie. It just reaches the point where no one knows who to trust anymore.


Did you know that when you draw a star, you are drawing the symbol for revenge? Revenge is a combination of five power games:

  • Pride leads to war.
  • Envy leads to genocide.
  • Greed leads to massacres.
  • Lust leads to slavery and human rights violations.
  • Anger leads to terrorism.

With Pride, you believe you are above the other, and therefore you have the right to put him or her down. That draws in those who play the game of Envy. The game of Envy comes from a lack of capacity. The one who plays the game of Envy has put someone on a pedestal, and compares others to his or her hero. This creates a sense of judgment. Of black and white. If you can judge someone, then you believe you can take what belongs to him or her. If you can take what belongs to him or her, you believe you own that person. If you own that person, you can deny him a voice.

The problem is, inherent in the symbol is its downfall, because no one has the same goal. Everyone eventually undermines the one who brings him in.

Please remember, no one can prevent you from creating the life you want. To do so, you must follow four rules:

  • What you do must benefit all people.
  • You must work on creating the life you want every day.
  • You must make win-win agreements to bring it about.
  • No one can prevent you from getting the life you want.

Don't be another Hana!

Tor-Hana's Freedom
is a project of
The World Peace Organization for the One World Government

© Copyrights 2007, Karen Holmes