

A symbol of revenge is a Pentacle of Power, because it draws together five power games:

  • Pride leads to war, and draws in Envy
  • Envy leads to genocide, and draws in Greed
  • Greed leads to massacres, and draws in Lust
  • Lust leads to slavery and human rights violations, and draws in Anger
  • Anger leads to terrorism, and draws in Pride

Each comes into the Pentacle of Power to achieve a particular goal, and the act of revenge is the means to an end. Inherent in the shape of the pentacle is its failure. Each of the perpetrators has a different goal, and eventually undermines the one who brought him or her into the act of revenge.

  • Pride undermines Anger
  • Anger undermines Lust
  • Lust undermines Greed
  • Greed undermines Envy
  • Envy undermines Pride

Acts of revenge are tearing apart the fabric of the planet, leaving a sense of helplessness and hopelessness in their wake.

If you have become unempowered by a crisis in your family or drawn into acts of revenge, you are welcome to join the Flower of Life level in our world peace marketing strategy, which goes deeper into overcoming the effects of revenge.

Our "Power Series," offered through On The Rainbow Peace Store, goes deeper into the subject of revenge, and how to find true power.