Getting Out of the Abyss


Ladies: to find your lifepartner, you must be a virtuous woman.

Many marriage relationships are based on romantic attachments, but if the couple's goals are different, their relationship eventually may become a genocide. Everyone is always attempting to create his or her ideal life, and makes choices based on furthering one's goal, including in a marriage partner. Isn't it a wonderful feeling to have found that certain individual who will share your life with you, and help you create your dream? But, when it becomes apparent that you don't have the same goal, each oftentimes falls back to playing power games to coerce the other to help get their life.

The solution is to find someone who has the same goal, and that implies first that you are working to create the life you want, and once you are doing that, it is possible to find the one who is also working toward that goal.

With lifepartners, ones' vocation is the other's avocation, and so you each have a mentor to help you create the life you want. It makes a very strong bond, which can be a family relationship or business.


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